Use to confirm availability or not.  If Kinetic says
it's available there and you can't sign up, challenge the location.
On Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 12:04 AM Justin Streiner <>

> Other people on their street do have Kinetic, and I believe Windstream
> laid cable from the street to their house, but they are being told there
> are no facilities to connect them to an OLT or some other type of
> termination device.
> Thank you
> jms
> On Sat, Apr 22, 2023, 23:58 Alex Ryu <> wrote:
>> It is new construction home, it may be HoA, so it is controlled by HoA
>> which may have some deal with one provider for landline.
>> So it may be dictated by HoA until it reach to certain level when that
>> binding deal is expired.
>> Sent from Mail <> for
>> Windows
>> *From: *Justin Streiner <>
>> *Sent: *Saturday, April 22, 2023 10:46 PM
>> *To: *NANOG <>
>> *Subject: *Windstream/Kinetic OSP assistance/clie sought
>> Some of my family recently moved to an area of North Carolina where
>> high-speed residential Internet connectivity options seem to be very
>> limited. Outside of the options below, the only thing they're able to get
>> is satellite Internet service, and the performance has been very poor
>> They moved into an area where the neighbors have Kinetic (Windstream's
>> Internet service) but my relatives have been told that there are no
>> facilities available for them. This is new construction, so perhaps it's
>> possible that their address hasn't been added into whatever systems
>> Windstream/Kinetic use for service pre-qualification?
>> Is there anyone I can talk to at Winstream to find out if it is indeed
>> possible to get service at their address, or if there is way I can get past
>> the gatekeepers?
>> Any guidance from someone in the know at Windstream would be greatly
>> appreciated.
>> Thank you
>> jms

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