Via all mechanisms I could find in the router, it thinks the best path is the 
direct path, the packets just don't go that way. 

The in traffic isn't a concern at this time, just the out (from my 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 


----- Original Message -----

From: "David Bass" <> 
To: "Mike Hammett" <> 
Cc: "Matthew Huff" <>, "NANOG" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2023 11:39:26 AM 
Subject: Re: Cisco Nexus 3k Route Selection\Packet Forwarding Debugging 

If you are both connected to the same upstream, but the customer wants traffic 
destined to the upstream to go through you (in and out), then they need to do 
something on their devices to try and affect the inbound path to their AS. From 
the upstream carrier in question they’ll take the best path to a prefix, which 
direct connection is generally going to be preferred over a transit AS (basic 
BGP best path algorithm stuff) unless there is some manipulation of the prefix 
advertisement happening. 

To confirm the path being taken you should be able to do a few trace routes 
from various locations as well as use looking glasses. 

Now the sflow data is an entirely different thing to analyze. 

On Tue, Apr 4, 2023 at 7:45 AM Mike Hammett < > wrote: 

sh ip bgp neighbor advertised-routes shows the only routes being advertised to 
Y are the routes that should be advertised to them. I checked a variety of 
other peers and have the expected results. 

>From my perspective: 

Packets come in on port A, supposed to leave on port X, but they leave on port 
Y. All of the troubleshooting steps I've done on my own (or suggested by 
mailing lists) say the packets should be leaving on the desired port X. 

>From the customer's perspective, they're supposed to be coming from me on port 
>X, but they're arriving on port Y, another network . 

Port X in both scenarios is our direct connection, while port Y is a mutual 
upstream provider. 

Without knowing more about the specific platform, it seems to me like a bug in 
the platform. If all indicators (not just configurations, but show commands as 
well) say the packet should be leaving on X and it leaves on Y, then I'm not 
sure what else it could be, besides a bug. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 


From: "David Bass" < > 
To: "Mike Hammett" < > 
Cc: "Matthew Huff" < >, "NANOG" < > 
Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 9:12:52 PM 

Subject: Re: Cisco Nexus 3k Route Selection\Packet Forwarding Debugging 

You said that they are seeing traffic from another upstream…are you advertising 
the prefix to them? Are you advertising their prefix to your upstream? 

Looks like the route maps are involved in some dual redistribution…might want 
to make sure everything is matching correctly, and being advertised like you 

On Mon, Apr 3, 2023 at 4:20 PM Mike Hammett < > wrote: 


I don't see any route-maps applied to interfaces, so there must not be any PBR 
going on. I only see ACLs, setting communities, setting local pref, etc. in the 
route maps that are applied to neighbors. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 


From: "Mike Hammett" < > 
To: "Matthew Huff" < > 
Cc: "NANOG" < > 
Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 8:26:30 AM 

Subject: Re: Cisco Nexus 3k Route Selection\Packet Forwarding Debugging 

Only two VRFs, default and manangement. IIRC, everything I saw before mentioned 
the default VRF. 

I do see a ton of route-maps. It's mostly Greek to me, so I'll have to dig 
through this a bit to see what's going on. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 


From: "Matthew Huff" < > 
To: "Mike Hammett" < > 
Cc: "NANOG" < > 
Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 8:06:51 AM 
Subject: RE: Cisco Nexus 3k Route Selection\Packet Forwarding Debugging 

What about VRFs and/or policy based routing? 

switch-core1# show vrf 
VRF-Name VRF-ID State Reason 
default 1 Up -- 
management 2 Up -- 

switch-core1# show route-map 
route-map rmap_bgp_to_eigrp_b2b, permit, sequence 10 
Match clauses: 
interface: Ethernet1/33 
route-type: internal 
Set clauses: 
metric 40000000 10 255 1 1500 
route-map rmap_bgp_to_eigrp_b2b, permit, sequence 20 
Match clauses: 
interface: Ethernet1/34 
route-type: internal 
Set clauses: 
metric 40000000 30 255 1 1500 
route-map rmap_static_to_eigrp, permit, sequence 10 
Match clauses: 
ip address prefix-lists: prefix_static_to_eigrp 
Set clauses: 
route-map rmap_static_to_eigrp_v6, permit, sequence 10 
Match clauses: 
ipv6 address prefix-lists: prefix_ipv6_static_to_eigrp 
Set clauses: 

From: Mike Hammett < > 
Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 9:00 AM 
To: Matthew Huff < > 
Cc: NANOG < > 
Subject: Re: Cisco Nexus 3k Route Selection\Packet Forwarding Debugging 

It could be an sFlow bug, but I come at this from a reported problem and 
gathering data on that problem as opposed to looking at data for problems. 

The snmp if index reported by the Nexus matches the if index in ElastiFlow. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 


From: "Matthew Huff" <mailto: > 
To: "Mike Hammett" <mailto: > 
Cc: "NANOG" <mailto: > 
Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 7:50:08 AM 
Subject: RE: Cisco Nexus 3k Route Selection\Packet Forwarding Debugging 
SFlow misconfiguration or bug on either the nexus or the sflow monitor? On the 
monitor, can you verify that the snmp interfaces are mapped to the correct ones 
on the nexus? 

From: Mike Hammett <mailto: > 
Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 8:47 AM 
To: Matthew Huff <mailto: > 
Cc: NANOG <mailto: > 
Subject: Re: Cisco Nexus 3k Route Selection\Packet Forwarding Debugging 

It shows the desired result. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 


From: "Matthew Huff" <mailto: > 
To: "Mike Hammett" <mailto: >, "NANOG" <mailto: > 
Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 5:38:23 AM 
Subject: RE: Cisco Nexus 3k Route Selection\Packet Forwarding Debugging 

switch-core1# sh forwarding route x.x.x.x 

slot 1 

IPv4 routes for table default/base 

Prefix | Next-hop | Interface | Labels | Partial Install 
x.x.x.x/24 x.x.x.250 Ethernet1/29 

switch-core1# show routing hash x.x.x.x y.y.y.y 
Load-share parameters used for software forwarding: 
load-share mode: address source-destination port source-destination 
Hash for VRF "default" 
Hashing to path *y.y.y.y Eth1/29 
For route: 
y.y.y.0/24, ubest/mbest: 1/0 
*via z.z.z.z, Eth1/29, [90/3072], 1w2d, eigrp-100, internal 

From: NANOG <mailto: nanog-bounces+mhuff = > On Behalf Of Mike 
Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 1:21 AM 
To: NANOG <mailto: > 
Subject: Cisco Nexus 3k Route Selection\Packet Forwarding Debugging 

We have a Nexus 3064 that is setup with partial BGP tables and is routing based 
on that. 

I've done a show ip bgp for an IP of interest and it has an expected next hop 
IP. I show ip arp on that next hop IP and it has the expected interface. 

However, sFlows show the packets leaving on a different interface, the one that 
would carry the default route for routes not otherwise known. 

If the next hop IP is expected and the ARP of that next hop IP is expected, why 
are packets leaving out an unexpected interface? 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 



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