How do you plan on getting rid of all the filters that don’t accept anything 
less than a /24?

In all seriousness If I have these, I’d imagine everyone else does too.

From: NANOG <> On Behalf Of Justin 
Wilson (Lists)
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2023 9:19 AM
Subject: Smaller than a /24 for BGP?

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Have there been talks about the best practices to accept things smaller than a 
/24? I qm seeing more and more scenarios where folks need to participate in BGP 
but they do not need a full /24 of space.  Seems wasteful.  I know this would 
bloat the routing table immensely.  I know of several folks who could split 
their /24 into /25s across a few regions and still have plenty of IP space.

Justin Wilson<>

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