On 12/12/22 12:26, t...@pelican.org wrote:
That's a take on it I really hadn't considered. I'm very aware that moving from a decade
or two of legacy manual config to full data model/automation in a big bang is never going
to work, but I'd been looking at what individual elements could be pulled out and
automated with judicious use of "replace". Never considered making the
*entire* legacy config a starting point for the template, and then effectively working on
automating replacing parts of that config file with data-driven versions of the same.
Food for thought, thanks for that.
This is why when vendors come to market their new shiny
NETCONF/YANG-based SDN thingie that will make my life easier, I sit back
and smile :-).
Real life is very different from what we think "automation" should be.
And as I mentioned on some list a year or two ago, "automation" means
different things to different people. So rather than trying to box
yourself into the word "automation", just find ways to make your life
easier. Whether someone wants to call it automation or not, is
irrelevant... well, until we can walk into a shop and buy Automation off
the shelf.