David Hubbard wrote:
> Just wondering if anyone can tell me their
> opinion on Savvis bandwidth/company preferably
> from a web host perspective.  Considering a
> connection.

I've only had them for three years and I've been extremely happy. They
catch outages faster (if it's down for over a minute they've already
opened a ticket and called me about it) than anyone else I've dealt
with. I'm very much a self-service type of customer and I like their web
account management thing, too. No performance issues I've ever noticed
or heard about. Sadly, I'm going to disconnect it in a few months
because I'm outside of their normal service area and it's cost
prohibitive to upgrade.

If you're in to IPv6 I had talked to them a few months back about it and
I was told it can be done as a custom request. I never perused it though
after the upgrade quotes came in.


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