Dear NANOG-ers, Hope this email finds you in good health! Please see my comments below, inline... Thanks.
Le samedi 19 novembre 2022, Owen DeLong via NANOG <> a écrit : > > > >> Either you have lots of fallow ground or very few customers. > > > > A bit of both. > > Regarding the former, perhaps you should return some of that to AFRINIC as > required in your RSA before throwing stones at other providers in the > region. > Hi Owen, Thanks for your email, brother! Please, could you elaborate on the above? Remark! you may need to start a separate thread :-/ ...yes! i have already read your next email. Shalom, --sb. > Owen > > -- Best Regards ! __ baya.sylvain[AT cmNOG DOT cm]|<> Subscribe to Mailing List: <> __ #LASAINTEBIBLE|#Romains15:33«Que LE #DIEU de #Paix soit avec vous tous! #Amen!» #MaPrière est que tu naisses de nouveau. #Chrétiennement «Comme une biche soupire après des courants d’eau, ainsi mon âme soupire après TOI, ô DIEU!»(#Psaumes42:2)