NANOG 86 Agenda Available! *Register Now for NANOG 86, 17 - 19 October* Click on any talk title in the agenda to view the full abstract and speaker info, or download the event calendar today! Don't forget to register for NANOG 86.
*VIEW AGENDA* <> Join our New NANOG Mentorship Program! *Opportunity is Knocking for Mentees + Mentors * When it comes to success, no one is truly self-made. Learn how you can guide or become the next generation of tech leaders. The Mentorship Program will focus on: - Skill development - Career guidance - Presenting / public speaking - Leadership skills *LEARN MORE* <> NANOG Community Survey *Take the PeeringDB 2022 User Survey Today* PeeringDB needs feedback from anyone who uses its interconnection database. The anonymous survey is open until 23:59 UTC on 16 October 2022. Survey results will inform how to better help professionals involved in connecting networks. *TAKE SURVEY <>* *REGISTER NOW FOR NANOG 86* <>