I highly recommend that legacy holders who wish to ensure that their rights are 
respected transfer their registrations to RIPE-NCC, whether they have signed 
the LRSA or not.

Transferring to RIPE-NCC as Legacy without Contract will afford you full 
respect for your rights in your resources in perpetuity (or at least as long as 
RIPE-NCC lasts) without requiring a contract and without having to pay fees.

If you need to establish presence in Europe to satisfy RIPE’s requirements, a 
cheap virtual machine can be leased for a month or two to get through the 
process and is never verified or validated thereafter.

I was an early signatory to the LRSA thinking I was doing the right thing. 
After the ARIN board changed end users from fee-per-ORG to fee-per-resource in 
order to get around the fee cap and bifurcated my org into two orgs (allowing 
them to charge even more), I came to regret that decision. Since transferring 
my legacy resources to RIPE-NCC, I have been considerably happier.


> On Sep 13, 2022, at 18:24 , Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com> wrote:
>> We strongly encourage all legacy resource holders who have not yet
>> signed an LRSA to cover their legacy resources to
> consult a competent lawyer before signing an LRSA
> randy

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