On 16 Sep 2022, at 2:53 PM, William Herrin <b...@herrin.us<mailto:b...@herrin.us>> wrote:
ARIN has its official theories and each of the legacy registrants have theirs. For the past 25 years, ARIN has not elected to challenge the legacy registrants in a manner substantive enough to require the question to be resolved. <chuckle> I’d disagree with that characterization - since this has been before judges and resolved numerous times. We’ve actually had the matter before many judges, and have never been ordered to do anything other than operate the registry per the number resource policy as developed by this community – this has been the consistent outcome throughout both civil and bankruptcy proceedings. Yes, we do settle cases, but only when that basic principle is upheld. At no time has the alternative (that for some reason legacy resource holders do not have meet the policies developed by the ARIN community) been upheld in any orders granted – and not for lack of trying. Alas, those who seek such an outcome have never been successful in arguing its merits, and instead consistently end up settling with orders that recognize ARIN’s ability to operate the registry according to the community-developed policy, including the application of the policy to their address blocks. ARIN simply doesn’t settle absent those terms, as it is simply a fundamental principle of our inception. Thanks! /John John Curran President and CEO American Registry for Internet Numbers