Peter, ROAs created using ARIN’s Hosted RPKI service do not auto-renew. A point of contact (admin,tech,routing) linked to the organization can create and delete ROAs. This does not require contacting the ARIN Help Desk.
Best regards, Brad Gorman Sr Product Owner, Routing Security American Registry for Internet Numbers From: NANOG <> on behalf of Peter Potvin via NANOG <> Reply-To: Peter Potvin <> Date: Friday, September 9, 2022 at 10:19 AM To: Ca By <> Cc: North American Network Operators' Group <> Subject: Re: ROA Will Expire Soon - ARIN I have been wondering the same thing when it comes to how ARIN's hosted RPKI ROAs handle renewal. Do they automatically renew by default, do we need to delete and re-create the ROA or do we have to reach out to the helpdesk every time one is due to expire? ~ Peter On Fri., Sep. 9, 2022, 10:12 a.m. Ca By, <<>> wrote: On Fri, Sep 9, 2022 at 5:21 AM John Sweeting <<>> wrote: You can contact the ARIN Helpdesk at +1-703-227-0660. Someone will also be sending you an email off list. John Where is ARIN’s documented procedure for how hosted ROAs handle renewal prior to expiration ? Sent from my iPhone > On Sep 9, 2022, at 8:01 AM, Terrance Devor > <<>> wrote: > > > Can someone from ARIN please reach out to me. We don't want the ROA to > expire... > > Kind Regards, > Terrance The information contained in this message may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. This message is intended only for the designated recipient(s). It is subject to access, review and disclosure by the sender's Email System Administrator. If you have received this message in error, please advise by return e-mail so that our address records can be corrected and please delete immediately without reading, copying or forwarding to others. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. Copyright © 2022 Accuris Technologies Ltd. All Rights Reserved. L'information contenue dans ce message pourrait être de nature privilégiée, confidentielle et protégée contre toute divulgation. Ce message est destiné à l'usage exclusif du(des) destinataire(s) visé(s). Le gestionnaire de système du courrier électronique de l'expéditeur pourrait avoir accès à ce message, l'examiner et le divulguer. Si ce message vous est transmis par erreur, veuillez nous en aviser par courrier électronique à notre adresse, afin que l'on puisse corriger nos registres, puis veuillez le supprimer immédiatement, sans le lire, le copier ou le transmettre à des tiers. Tout examen, toute utilisation, divulgation ou distribution non autorisé de cette information est interdit. Droit d'auteur © 2022 Accuris Technologies Ltd. Tous droits réservés.