
I'm Matthew Nance-Hall (Matt), a PhD Candidate at the University of Oregon
working with Prof. Ram Durairajan (UO), Prof. Paul Barford (UW-Madison) and
Prof. Klaus-Tycho Foerster (TU Dortmund).

I was hoping someone could shed operator perspective on a research question
we're exploring. We're interested in the timescales and mechanisms used to
adjust data paths and wondering where gaps might exist between traffic
engineering (TE), fast fail-over, and routing.

We're specifically curious about spatio-temporal characteristics where gaps
might exist. For example, the topological scope of an event (congestion or
outage) and the timescale for adjustments to be made. I'm aware there are
operator tools such as fast fail-over and TE for making changes confined to
single links or across the whole network but wonder if there is a place for
events that have broader scope (beyond a single link but less than the whole
network) where new inquiry and exploration would be welcome. 

Thank you, 

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