On Thu, 21 Jul 2022, Paul Rolland wrote:
On Thu, 21 Jul 2022 12:20:37 -0400 (EDT)
Jon Lewis <jle...@lewis.org> wrote:
I looked at this a little last night, but didn't have time to write an
email about it. Verizon has a lookingglass:
which you can use to see that Verizon has no route covering
Looking at routeviews, I see routes for,
and, but no path via Verizon.
Just tested using:
Region: Asia Pacific
Location: HKG
Show BGP route
and the answer is: (2 entries, 1 announced)
*BGP Preference: 170/-101
Age: 4w0d 22:32:07 Metric: 10 Metric2: 500502
Announcement bits (4): 0-KRT 3-RT 8-BGP_RT_Background 9-Resolve
tree 4
AS path: (65336) 4134 23724 38365 I (Atomic Originator)
Localpref: 100
I'd only looked using their Ashburn location. So, Verizon does receive
the route, but doesn't appear to propagate it beyond the APAC region.
That could still be either network's choice. The fact that their looking
glass doesn't show anything for "Communities:" is suspicious to me,
because I seriously doubt VZ isn't community tagging all routes...so I'm
assuming there's a filter that's removing those for display...but then why
even include the Communities: line in the output?...or maybe they've
migrated to large communities and their looking glass hasn't been updated
to display those?
Jon Lewis, MCP :) | I route
StackPath, Sr. Neteng | therefore you are
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