>I can't either, but the reality right now seems to be that 911 calls are
>failing for anyone on a Rogers cellphone.

This is par for the course.  These people chose to deal with Rogers despite 
knowing the consequences.  It is like if you bought a Rogers Snowblower and it 
did not work.  That would mean that people who bought the Rogers Snowblower 
will not be using it to get rid of the snow that is preventing them from 
leaving their house.

Mutatis mutandis when Rogers is down things that are Rogers dependent will not 

Some people are so retarded it is astonishing!

(CAUTION) You are advised that if you attack my person or property, you will be 
put down in accordance with the provisions of section 34 & 35 of the Criminal 
Code respectively.  If you are brandishing (or in possession) of a weapon then 
lethal force will be applied to your person in accordance with the law.  This 
means that your misadventures may end in your death.  Consider yourself 
cautioned and govern your actions appropriately.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: NANOG <nanog-bounces+kmedcalf=dessus....@nanog.org> On Behalf Of
>Eric Kuhnke
>Sent: Friday, 8 July, 2022 13:34
>To: jim deleskie <deles...@gmail.com>
>Cc: NANOG list <nanog@nanog.org>
>Subject: Re: Rogers Outage Canada
>I have seen anecdotal reports that the mobile network is in a half broken
>state that phones remain registered to, so a 911 call will attempt and
>then fail.
>This is unlike what would happen if you had a US/Canada cellphone with
>battery power but no SIM card in it that would search for any available
>network in RF range for a 911 call if needed.
>On Fri, 8 Jul 2022 at 12:31, jim deleskie <deles...@gmail.com
><mailto:deles...@gmail.com> > wrote:
>       i cant see BGP taking out SS7.
>       -jim
>       On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 2:45 PM Snowmobile2004
><greenjosh6...@gmail.com <mailto:greenjosh6...@gmail.com> > wrote:
>               According to Cloudflare Radar
><https://radar.cloudflare.com/asn/812?date_filter=last_24_hours> , Rogers
>BGP announcements spiked massively to levels 536,777% higher than normal
>(343,601 vs 64 normally) just minutes before the outage. I would not be
>surprised if this happened to be the culprit.
>               Regards,
>               Josh Green
>               On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 2:19 PM Andrew Paolucci via NANOG
><nanog@nanog.org <mailto:nanog@nanog.org> > wrote:
>                       In the early hours of the morning around 2-3am my modem
>got hit with a configuration update that caused a DHCP release that
>wasn't renewed for about two hours, after rollback the connection was
>fine for 3 hours before this network wide outage.
>                       Maybe a failed night time update was attempted again
>during office hours, I've heard daytime guys are still WFH and night
>shift is in building.
>                       I expect we'll never get a real explanation. Rogers is
>notorious for withholding any type of helpful or technical information.
>                       Sent from my inoperable Rogers Mobile via emergency 
> eSIM.
>                       Regards,
>                       Andrew Paolucci
>                       -------- Original Message --------
>                       On Jul. 8, 2022, 1:48 p.m., Jay Hennigan < j...@west.net
><mailto:j...@west.net> > wrote:
>                               On 7/8/22 07:44, Robert DeVita wrote: > Does 
> anyone
>have information on a widespread Rogers outage in Canada. I > have
>customers with multiple sites down. There's discussion on the Outages
>mailing list. Seems widespread, affecting all services, mobile, voice,
>Internet. No cause or ETR posted yet. -- Jay Hennigan - j...@west.net
><mailto:j...@west.net>  Network Engineering - CCIE #7880 503 897-8550 -
>               --
>               Josh Green.

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