This would be vanilla IP transit (BGP w\ our ASN and IP space). Our services 
are delivered to clients over the public internet. I just need decent 
connectivity to these end users without hopping to Miami to go 2 blocks down 
the street!

LATAM, and Bogota in general seems like a pretty fragmented market where some 
providers have good peering with some locals but not all. Edgeuno seems to be a 
general one size fits all but latency to Claro was somewhat high.

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------- Original Message -------
On Friday, July 1st, 2022 at 6:27 PM, John Todd <> wrote:

> On 1 Jul 2022, at 6:47, nanoguser99 via NANOG wrote:
>> Nanog,
>> I need good connectivity to local eyeball networks there. I've explored 
>> Cogent, Lumen, and a local clled Telxius and results are all over the map. 
>> Is there a provider that's 'well peered' with all the locals? Hoping this 
>> formats correctly but here's the results of ping tests on various looking 
>> glasses to prefixes of the various locals.
>> Local Carriers       IP Prefix       Telxius Lumen   Cogent
>> COLOMBIA TELECOMUNICACIONES S.A. ESP  22.025 ms       164ms   
>> 115 ms
>> Telmex Colombia S.A. (Claro)  14.319 ms       63ms    115 ms
>> Empresas Públicas de Medellín E.S.P. 94.264 ms       126 ms  
>> 102 ms
>> Movistar Colombia 38.894 ms       193ms   118 ms
>> ETB - Colombia  5.340 ms        130ms   2.21 ms
>> Columbus Networks Colombia 60.212 ms       99ms    89.8 ms
>> Metrotel Colombia  20.989 ms       148ms   90.5 ms
>> Any advice?
>> -Nanoguser99
>> Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email.
> [not exactly fitting the NA of NANOG, but I’m guessing there is an interest 
> in North-and-South connectivity in general, so will continue the conversation]
> You didn’t specify exactly how you’d like to get access to the eyeballs, so 
> I’ll throw our 2 pesos in here: We have deployed a number of recursive 
> resolvers in EdgeUno (AS7195) datacenters in LATAM including Bogotá and have 
> been very pleased with the results reaching local eyeball networks. They have 
> IP transit, co-location, and other offerings so perhaps there is a match 
> there.
> We are also deployed in IX locations in LATAM with other 
> sponsorship/partnerships, but there are always edge cases that for whatever 
> political/economic/telcomindedness reasons are better covered by transit 
> arrangements. For the nations in which we are deployed with them, EdgeUno has 
> solved most of those issues for us.
> Tests are possible via their LG:
> JT
> --
> John Todd -
> General Manager - Quad9 Recursive Resolver

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