Yes! Some other ways to the basic idea are that
The function of data networks is to satisfy human impatience.
The goal is to minimize transaction latency.
Once you accept either one, the conclusion that follows is that
there is no limit to potential demand (which, however, as always,
is moderated by cost and applications one uses).
A couple of papers that deal with this are "The delusions of net
neutrality" from the 2008 Telecommunications Policy Research Conference,
and "The current state and likely evolution of the Internet" from
Globecom 1999,
On Mon, 23 May 2022, wrote:
On May 23, 2022, at 3:00 PM, Michael Thomas <> wrote:
Really? What is the average household doing to use up a gig worth of bandwidth?
Optimize their activities by remove a major delay factors from their
See The Human Use of Human Beings, a book by Norbert Wiener.