On 12/05/2022 11:16, Masataka Ohta wrote:
John McCormac wrote:
There are various ways, such as crawling the web, to enumerate
domain names.
That is not an efficient method.
Not a problem for large companies or botnet. So, only
small legal players suffer from hiding zone information.
Agree on the effects on smaller legal players.
A domain name does not always have to have a website. This means that
some domain names may have no presence on the Web unless they are
mentioned on a site or in e-mail. With the increased automation of
webhosting control panels, undeveloped domain names may be automatically
parked on the webhoster's or registrar's holding page.
You misunderstand my statement. Domain names not offering
HTTP service can also be collected by web crawling.
Perhaps if there are lists of new registrations published or the domain
names are reregistrations that had been previously deleted. Some might
be detected if they have reverse DNS set up for the domain name. DNS
traffic could be another source. Other than those cases, I am not sure
about web crawling detecting domain names without HTTP service.
Google can also use gmail to collect domain names used by
sent or received e-mails.
Or even Google Analytics but that may have legal issues over privacy.
But there is a problem with that because of all the FUD about websites
linking to "bad" websites that had been pushed in the media a few
years ago.
Is your concern privacy of "bad" websites?
No. The problem for search engines and other crawlers that detect new
websites by crawling links from others are at a disadvantage because of
websites being less likely to link to others due to search engine
optimisation. The decline of web directories has also had an effect. It
becomes increasingly difficult for newer players without the resources
of Google or Microsoft to compete at detecting new websites, typically
ccTLD, when they have no inbound links from other websites.
Another factor that is often missed is the renewal rate of domain names.
That's not a problem related to enumeration of domain names.
It is when millions of (gTLD and ccTLD) domain names per month are
deleted. Even after a run of enumerating domain names in a zone, some of
those domain names will have been deleted before the process is
completed. Enumerating domain names is very much a continual process
rather than a one-off process. The set of domain names in a zone is
rarely a static one. An enumerated zone is a snapshot of that zone at a
particular time. It becomes increasingly unreliable.
A lot of personal data such as e-mail addresses, phone numbers and
even postal addresses have been removed from gTLD records because of
the fear of GDPR.
As I have been saying, the problem, *if+ *any*, is whois. So?
There are multiple issues. The redaction of WHOIS data has made dealing
with fradulent/malware/phishing sites more difficult. It can also cause
problems for registrants who have registered their domain name through a
reseller that has disappeared.
Spammers using WHOIS data from new registrations to target registrants
has declined somewhat since 2018. The redaction of data from the WHOIS
is not a one-size-fits-all solution. This is why ICANN is moving towards
RDAP and a more controlled access to registrant data.
The zones change. New domain names are registered and domain names are
deleted. For many TLDs, the old WHOIS model of registrant name, e-mail
and phone number no longer exists. And there are also WHOIS privacy
services which have obscured ownership.
As I wrote:
: Moreover, because making ownership information of lands and
: domain names publicly available promotes public well fair
: and domain name owners approve publication of such
: information in advance, there shouldn't be any concern
: of privacy breach forbidden by local law of DE.
that is not a healthy movement.
There has been some discussion about using a Natural Person or Legal
Person field in gTLD WHOIS records with the Legal Person (effectively a
business or company) having more information published. There are
multiple jurisdictions and some have different protections for data.
Some registrars and registries allow registrants to publish ownership
details but others do not. With gTLDs, there is a central organisation
(ICANN). With ccTLDs, each ccTLD registry is almost unique (a few
registries also run IDN versions of ccTLDs in addition to their main
ccTLD) and subject to the local laws of its country. GDPR has caused a
lot of problems inside and outside of the EU.
John McCormac * e-mail: j...@hosterstats.com
MC2 * web: http://www.hosterstats.com/
22 Viewmount * Domain Registrations Statistics
Waterford * Domnomics - the business of domain names
Ireland * https://amzn.to/2OPtEIO
IE * Skype: hosterstats.com
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