We need you! The NANOG Hackathon Committee is calling for project developers/maintainers to participate in the NANOG 85 Hackathon <https://www.nanog.org/events/nanog-85-hackathon/>.
Wednesday, May 25, 2022 - Intro/Tutorial/Team Formation (via Zoom) Saturday + Sunday, June 4-5, 2022 - Hacking (via Zoom and/or in Montréal) An essential part of NANOG conferences, our Hackathons are designed to be both fun and engaging, as well as provide a platform that builds community and fosters greater networking and programming knowledge. NANOG Hackathons are hands-on, and educational at their core — directly supporting the most critical aspects of our mission. All levels are welcome to participate, and as always, Hackathon registration <https://www.nanog.org/events/nanog-85-hackathon/registration/> is free. Theme: Projects that Make a Difference The NANOG 85 Hackathon will focus on the theme of making tools work better for ordinary users. For this Hackathon, we are looking to expand the reach of the event to bring in non-developers who have an itch to get something fixed. So this is your opportunity to work with other community members to fix that itch and make life better for everyone. The improvements can include better tutorials, documentation, cookie-cutter templates that people can build on when accessing an API - in short, stuff that you would like to see that enables better use of the tools you use or want to use. Of course, we will welcome our usual range of project proposals if you want to dive deep into the code and hack in a communal environment, so send in those proposals as well. We are asking those who wish to bring a project be prepared to generally cover the items listed here. - Provide an intro/mini-tutorial on the skills needed to successfully hack on said project - Use time between the intro (May 25th) and the Hackathon (June 4-5) to be available for introductions and general questions relating to the project - Create a “ReadMe” file or webpage with the following information - Languages used in the project - Good first issues (if using GitHub on the project) - How to set-up/run tests in the development environment - How to use sandbox environment (if you have one) - Documentation updates/issues that need review/correcting In exchange for your work, NANOG will offer you a complimentary registration for NANOG 85 taking place in Montréal June 6-8, 2022. Learn more about the Hackathon schedule here: https://www.nanog.org/events/nanog-85-hackathon/ If you are interested in bringing a project to the NANOG 85 Hackathon, please send a message to hackathon-supp...@nanog.org. We look forward to working with you! -- *Valerie Wittkop* Program DirectorOn behalf of the NANOG Hackathon Committee