On 4/4/2022 7:08 PM, Tom Beecher wrote:
I am an ARIN admin and tech POC for one of the affected ASNs/sets of
prefixes across 2 OrgIDs. I looked back at the messages I've received
that mention NONAUTH or Non-Authenticated. The only thing I've
gotten is
the message originally sent via ARIN-Announce that John forwarded,
similar reminders.
I'm extremely grateful to Job and Kenneth for stepping in to address
ARIN's failure here before it ruined a lot of people's weeks.
ARIN clearly stated they were attempting to reach people with records
for the last year. If the contact info you had was correct and they
still didn't get to you, perhapsĀ it better to speak with them to
figure out why before just branding it a 'failure'.
In the interest of fairness and accuracy, there's an important
clarifying detail. ARIN *did* notify the POCs associated with the actual
NONAUTH IRR records. But those are wholly separate from the POCs for the
actual address or ASN resources, which is what I was referencing above,
and thus it resulted in a bad assumption on my part. That said, if the
email addresses associated with what are likely
stale/crufty/unmaintained records in the NONAUTH IRR were dead, no one
got notified. Reasonable people can disagree on whether that was enough
of an attempt. In this case, I didn't know these existed, and thus
didn't know that the contact info for them was similarly out of date. I
suspect I'm not the only one in this situation.
My calling this a failure was too strong, and for that I apologize, but
I disagree with their choice to not notify the current resource holder
POCs when they were unable to successfully notify the POCs for the
corresponding objects. That said, it's not an easy problem, and there
are things that multiple parties (including me) could or should have
done to address this, so the blame is not solely ARIN's.
Wes George