In short:
        Google Cloud

And a few other laggards that are key destinations that a lot of eyeball 
customers expect to be
able to reach.


> On Mar 29, 2022, at 13:53 , Jacques Latour <> wrote:
> So, in 25, 50 or 100 years from now, are we still going to be dual stack 
> IPv4/IPv6?
> When are we going to give up on IPv4?
> People can run IPv4 all they want inside their networks for 1000s of years.
> What will it take to be IPv6 only?
> 😊
> From: NANOG < 
> <>> On Behalf Of Owen 
> DeLong via NANOG
> Sent: March 29, 2022 3:52 PM
> To: Abraham Y. Chen < <>>
> Cc: NANOG < <>>
> Subject: [EXT] Re: Let's Focus on Moving Forward Re: V6 still not supported 
> re: 202203261833.AYC
> Submit an Internet draft, same as any other IP related enhancement gets 
> introduced.
> What you’re really complaining about is that it’s been virtually impossible 
> to gain consensus to move anything IPv4 related forward in the IETF since at 
> least 2015.
> Well… It’s a consensus process. If your idea isn’t getting consensus, then 
> perhaps it’s simply that the group you are seeking consensus from doesn’t 
> like your idea.
> Your inability to convince the members of the various working groups that 
> your idea has merit isn’t necessarily a defect in the IETF process… It might 
> simply be a lack of merit in your ideas.
> Owen
> On Mar 26, 2022, at 15:43 , Abraham Y. Chen < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hi, Justin:
> 1)    "... no one is stopping anyone from working on IPv4 ...     ":   After 
> all these discussions, are you still denying this basic issue? For example, 
> there has not been any straightforward way to introduce IPv4 enhancement 
> ideas to IETF since at least 2015. If you know the way, please make it 
> public. I am sure that many are eager to learn about it. Thanks.
> Regards,
> Abe (2022-03-26 18:42)
> On 2022-03-26 11:20, Justin Streiner wrote:
> While the Internet is intended to allow the free exchange of information, the 
> means of getting that information from place to place is and has to be 
> defined by protocols that are implemented in a consistent manner (see: BGP, 
> among many other examples).  It's important to separate the ideas from the 
> plumbing.
> That said, no one is stopping anyone from working on IPv4, so what personal 
> freedoms are being impacted by working toward deploying IPv6, with an eye 
> toward sunsetting IPv4 in the future?
> Keep in mind that IPv4 started out as an experiment that found its way into 
> wider use.  It's a classic case of a test deployment that suddenly mutated 
> into a production service.  Why should we continue to expend effort to 
> perpetuate the sins of the past, rather work toward getting v6 into wider use?
> Is IPv6 a perfect protocol?  Absolutely not, but it addresses the key pain 
> point of IPv4 - address space exhaustion.
> Thank you
> jms
> On Sat, Mar 26, 2022 at 9:35 AM Abraham Y. Chen < 
> <>> wrote:
> 3)    Re: Ur. Pts. 5) & 6):    I believe that there is a philosophic / logic 
> baseline that we need to sort out, first. That is, we must keep in mind that 
> the Internet community strongly promotes "personal freedom". Assuming that by 
> stopping others from working on IPv4 will shift their energy to IPv6 is 
> totally contradicting such a principle. A project attracts contributors by 
> its own merits, not by relying on artificial barriers to the competitions. 
> Based on my best understanding, IPv6 failed right after the decision of "not 
> emphasizing the backward compatibility with IPv4". It broke one of the golden 
> rules in the system engineering discipline. After nearly three decades, still 
> evading such fact, but defusing IPv6 issues by various tactics is the real 
> impedance to progress, not only to IPv4 but also to IPv6.

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