On Wed, 30 Mar 2022, Drew Weaver wrote:

We’ve noticed that there are a number of routes being passed along from 3356 
with invalid origin AS.

Of those, almost all of them are being passed to 3356 from 3549 (legacy Global 
Crossing) and there is no valid path available for any of these prefixes (at 
least according
to the ROA).

Ex   3356 3549 11172 270150

RPKI ROA entry for

  Origin-AS: 265621

I'm seeing that route, same origin. Those who do RPKI ROV do not see that route. Hurricane Electric, for example, via their looking glass has no route for that IP space.

You would think the pain inflicted by parts of the Internet ignoring your routes would get RPKI oops's like this fixed relatively quickly. It may depend on how much of the Internet they regularly exchange bits with and how many of those networks actually do ROV.

 Jon Lewis, MCP :)           |  I route
 StackPath, Sr. Neteng       |  therefore you are
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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