
To your first point about denying that anyone is being stopped from working
on IPv4, I'm referring to users being able to communicate via IPv4.  I have
seen no evidence of that.

I'm not familiar with the process of submitting ideas to IETF, so I'll
leave that for others who are more knowledgeable on that to speak up if
they're so inclined.

Thank you

On Sat, Mar 26, 2022 at 6:43 PM Abraham Y. Chen <ayc...@avinta.com> wrote:

> 1)    "... no one is stopping anyone from working on IPv4 ...     ":
> After all these discussions, are you still denying this basic issue? For
> example, there has not been any straightforward way to introduce IPv4
> enhancement ideas to IETF since at least 2015. If you know the way, please
> make it public. I am sure that many are eager to learn about it. Thanks.

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