Because it is a single Internet, and what we do in some parts of Internet will 
affect others?

Because, at least in my case, I'm investing my efforts in what it seems to be 
the best in the long-term for the global community, not my personal preferences?

Improving IPv6? Keep up the good work and thank you.

Protesting IPv4 efforts? Not very altruistic, more like you are motivated by various deep-seated emotional responses to the continuation of the IPv4 internet.

El 12/3/22 9:10, "William Herrin" <> escribió:

     Why are so many otherwise smart engineers so vulnerable to false
     dilemma style fallacies? There's no "either/or" here. It's not a zero
     sum game. If you don't see value in doing more with IPv4 then why
     don't you get out of the way of folks who do?

     Bill Herrin

The true dilemma is that any amelioration of IPv4 scarcity may indeed contribute to further delaying mass global IPv6 adoption, regardless of whose effort and time is involved.

And I find advocating for that to be wrong and perhaps to some extent, immoral. Unlikely to be productive. And potentially counter-productive.


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