Here is a doc for each hardware vendor for filtering long as paths. Not sure if 
this will help you or if the issue is before filtering takes place.

We have ours max length set to 75.


Erik Sundberg
Sr. Network Engineer
350 N Orleans Street
Suite 1300N
Chicago, Il 60654
Desk: 773-661-5532
Cell: 708-710-7419
NOC: 866-892-0915
From: NANOG <> on behalf of Scott 
Weeks <>
Sent: Friday, March 4, 2022 8:46:47 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: RU evidently hijacked UA netblock

--- wrote:
On 3/4/22 18:03, Scott Weeks wrote:

> It looks like a 'too many' AS prepends, but it is only 250 prepends.

In most reasonable scenarios I'd say that this qualifies as too many.

Yeah, technically, but it was not 256 or something where I'd expect an issue to 
happen.  Just curious as to why only that ASN caused the buffer overflow 
messages as I got them from no other AS ever and wondered if anyone else has 
seen them.  Other ASNs almost certainly have sent 250+ prepends to me before, 
but they did not cause the overflow.  Like I said, I have a ticket open because 
I am curious:

BGP-WARNING-tBgp4RouteInvalid-2007 <stuff> Route invalid reason - Cannot 
add/prepend AS-path.  Buffer overflow\nNRLI - <prefix>  where prefixes are 
several and different lengths.

Probably nothing, but I always look into stuff I see in the syslog server's 



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