I wonder, do the RIR's "talk" to each other about UI?
I'm in the middle of duplicating (moving) a bunch of route objects from
3rd party IRRdbs to the appropriate RIR ones, which, so far, has meant
creating route objects in the RIRs run by APNIC, ARIN, and RIPE.
User experience-wise, I'm sad to say RIPE rates last so far.
I figured out how to talk to ARIN's API first so creating objects wouldn't
have to be a whole bunch of point&click&paste. It "works" and accepts
rpsl format text for objects.
Next I did some APNIC route objects, and was amazed by their route object
import tool. It looks at presumably a full view of the Internet and
offers to auto-create route objects for your prefixes found in the
table...including a checkbox for "would you like RPKI ROAs with that?"
Finally I got to RIPE. No auto-import tool. There is an API, but it
doesn't accept data in rpsl format, so if I want to explore it farther,
I'll have to write something to convert rpsl route objects to either xml
or json.
Jon Lewis, MCP :) | I route
StackPath, Sr. Neteng | therefore you are
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________