They have the skills and the ability to stop it but the people who report the 
traffic represent 0% of their revenue so they could care less.    It’s the same 
actors every single day.   Microsoft,  Amazon, Google, Phychz Networks, Digital 
Ocean, etc. that spew garbage from their networks.   For a while we would send 
abuse reports because management felt it would do nothing even though we told 
them it wouldn’t.       Out all of the reports sent I only ever saw one 
response that wasn’t a canned response and it was from Microsoft that basically 
said “Yea, we know it’s an issue but they pay us and you don’t so block it 

Of course it it’s your customer that’s sending them crap traffic they will go 
nuclear if you don’t remove the offending traffic in .1337 seconds.


From: Mike Hammett <>
Date: Monday, February 28, 2022 at 10:43 AM
To: richey goldberg <>
Cc: North American Network Operators Group <>
Subject: Re: Russian aligned ASNs?
So the providers most likely to have the skills and capabilities to automate 
abuse mitigation are the least likely to do anything about it, even when asked?


Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions<>
Midwest Internet Exchange<>
The Brothers WISP<>
From: "richey goldberg" <>
To: "North American Network Operators Group" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2022 9:16:13 PM
Subject: Re: Russian aligned ASNs?
I don’t think that refusing Russian ASNs will do much to stop any kind of 
attacks.   They are going to attack from botnets that are global so that’s not 
going to stop them.    If anything blocking Russian ASNs will stop the flow of 
information going into Russia.     I think we’re better off doing what we can 
to take down any machines that are participating in attacks if they live on 
machines that are downstream from you.   One of the biggest issues I face in my 
daily tasks is getting other provers to take down machines.   I’m talking to 
you Microsoft, Amazon, Digital Ocean and the likes…..


From: NANOG <> on behalf of 
William Allen Simpson <>
Date: Thursday, February 24, 2022 at 7:41 PM
To: North American Network Operators Group <>
Subject: Russian aligned ASNs?
There have been reports of DDoS and new targeted malware attacks.

There were questions in the media about cutting off the Internet.

Apparently some Russian government sites have already cut themselves
off, presumably to avoid counterattacks.

Would it improve Internet health to refuse Russian ASN announcements?

What is our community doing to assist Ukraine against these attacks?

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