On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 5:38 PM, Chris Meidinger
<cmeidin...@sendmail.com> wrote:
> For example, eth0 is and eth1 is, nothing like
> bonding going on. The customers usually have the idea of running one
> interface for administration and another for production (which is a _good_
> idea) but they want to do it in the same subnet (not such a good idea...)

  I just posted on this, but I didn't really address your original
question, so: I'm not aware of anything in the RFCs or other standards
which prohibits this.  But then, I haven't gone looking, because...

  It *can* be made to work in practice, for certain scenarios.  For
example, if you're talking a web server, and you bind the "production"
site to and the "administration" site to, and
configure policy routing (you said Linux, right?) to route
appropriately, it should work.  It works because Apache can bind sites
to individual interfaces.

-- Ben

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