Hi Sean,

Cisco SG250?


Marcin Gondek / Drixter
Od: NANOG <nanog-bounces+drixter=e-utp....@nanog.org> w imieniu użytkownika 
Sean Donelan <s...@donelan.com>
Wysłane: wtorek, 18 stycznia 2022 12:28
Do: nanog@nanog.org <nanog@nanog.org>
Temat: SOHO IPv6 switches

Of course, any ethernet switch is "IPv6 ready."  They are just ethernet
packets, and the switch doesn't care what's in the packets.

Which SOHO class switches are really IPv6 capable?  Or is it still
necessary to go with the enterprise class switches?

IOT devices all want to chat with each other even if there is no upstream
IPv6 (Verizon FIOS).  IGMPv3 snooping and IPv4 controls keep IPv4
broadcast storms under control.  But SOHO-class switches don't seem to
have the same capabilities for IPv6.

The top two capabilities: 1) MLD snooping and 2) a simple way to keep IPv6
off certain ports (i.e. ancient 10/100 devices, which don't like it.
controlling the multicast floods may also help them).

What's the goto SOHO-class switch for IPv6?

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