On Sun, Jan 16, 2022 at 2:38 PM Hank Nussbacher <h...@interall.co.il> wrote:
> Many of you might be following the enom weekend fiasco:
> https://twitter.com/enomsupport/status/1482621466151571456
> https://twitter.com/enomsupport/status/1482707275529678849
> https://enomstatus.com/
> Thousands of domains have been knocked out.

Because they used URL redirection services, right ? Domains under
management are unlikely to be affected unless the registrant needs a
domain update.

> But I just found out that Google is an enom reseller:
> https://help.enom.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005222367-My-Domain-was-registered-through-G-Suite-Google-Apps
> "Google handles all of the billing and renewals of your domain name,
> while Enom offers technical support to manage your domain."
> So who takes responsibility when a fiasco happens like this: Google or Enom?

I would imagine Google only uses Enom for TLDs that they don't carry
thru Google Domains, their own registrar.
And Google would also use its own URL redirection services, not Enom's.


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