tir. 30. nov. 2021 23.19 skrev Tom Beecher <beec...@beecher.cc>: > In my view there is no practical difference. The owner has full control of >> his warehouse and it would be very illegal for any outside party to install >> any device at all including unauthorised wifi devices. >> > > Nothing illegal about someone sitting in a parking lot next door with a > pineapple turned up to 11 that's washing out all the normal wifi spectrum. >
If we are talking about wifi 6E on 6 GHz sitting in a parking lot trying to cause harmful interference within legal limits will not successfully harm the operation within a building, especially not if the owner has a security perimeter. Harmful interference on purpose is not legal in any case. > It would be illegal to do that with CBRS. > On the other hand, saboteurs rarely care about legal and can easily jam either system. And yet, this is simply not a real problem. Did you know that a larger number of train transit systems are controlled by WiFi? Block that WiFi signal and the trains stop city wide. But has this ever happened? Regards Baldur >