Coin phrase ... IRR (dedup)

 J. Hellenthal

The fact that there's a highway to Hell but only a stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

> On Nov 29, 2021, at 07:17, Job Snijders via NANOG <> wrote:
> Hi Anurag,
> Circular dependencies definitely are a thing to keep in mind when designing 
> IRR and RPKI pipelines!
> In the case of IRR: It is quite rare to query the RIR IRR services directly. 
> Instead, the common practise is that utilities such as bgpq3, peval, and 
> bgpq4 query “IRRd” ( instances at for example 
> and You can verify this with tcpdump. These IRRd instances serve 
> as intermediate caches, and will continue to serve old cached data in case 
> the origin is down. This phenomenon in the global IRR deployment avoids a lot 
> of potential for circular dependencies.
> Also, some organisations use threshold checks before deploying new IRR-based 
> filters to reduce risk of “misfiring”.
> The RPKI case is slightly different: the timers are far more aggressive 
> compared to IRR, and until “Publish in Parent” (RFC 8181) becomes common 
> place, there are more publication points, thus more potential for operators 
> to paint themselves into a corner.
> Certainly, in the case of RPKI, all Publication Point (PP) operators need to 
> take special care to not host CAs which have the PP’s INRs listed as 
> subordinate resources inside the PP.
> See RFC 7115 Section 5 for more information: “Operators should be aware that 
> there is a trade-off in placement of an RPKI repository in address space for 
> which the repository’s content is authoritative. On one hand, an operator 
> will wish to maximize control over the repository. On the other hand, if 
> there are reachability problems to the address space, changes in the 
> repository to correct them may not be easily access by others”
> Ryan Sleevi once told me: "yes, it strikes me that you should prevent 
> self-compromise from being able to perpetually own yourself, by limiting an 
> attacker’s ability to persist beyond remediation."
> A possible duct tape approach is outlined at  
> However, I can’t really recommend the SLURM file approach. Instead, RPKI 
> repository operators are probably best off hosting their repository *outside* 
> their own address space.
> Just like with Authoritative DNS servers, make sure you also can serve your 
> records via a competitor! :-)
> For example, if ARIN moved one of their three publication point clusters into 
> address space managed by any of the other four RIRs, some risk would be 
> reduced.
> Kind regards,
> Job
>> On Mon, 29 Nov 2021 at 13:37, Anurag Bhatia <> wrote:
>> Hello everyone, 
>> While discussing IRR on some groups recently, I was thinking if there can be 
>> (and if there is) cycling dependency in filtering where IRR (run by whoever 
>> APNIC, RIPE, RADB etc) uses some upstream and accepts only routes with 
>> existing & valid route object. 
>> So hypothetical case (can apply to any IRR): 
>> APNIC registry source is and points to / 
>> 2001:dc0:1:0:4777::136. The aggregate of both these has a valid route object 
>> at the APNIC registry itself. 
>> Their upstreams say AS X, Y and Z have tooling in place to generate and push 
>> filters by checking all popular IRRs. All is well till this point. 
>> Say APNIC has some server/service issue for a few mins and X Y and Z are 
>> updating their filters at the same time. They cannot contact 
>> and hence miss generating filters for all APNIC IRR hosted prefixes. 
>> X, Y and  Z drop APNIC prefixes including those of IRR & the loop goes on 
>> from this point onwards. 
>> So my question is: Can that actually happen? 
>> If not, do X, Y and Z and possible all upstreams till default-free zone 
>> treat these prefixes in a special manner to avoid such loop in resolution? 
>> Thanks! 
>> -- 
>> Anurag Bhatia

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