> On Nov 21, 2021, at 09:04 , Masataka Ohta <mo...@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp> 
> wrote:
> Owen DeLong wrote:
>> Uh, no. It is so because on average IPv4 is so fragmented that most
>> providers of any size are advertising 8+ prefixes compared to a more
>> realistic IPv6 average of 1-3.
> Mergers of entities having an IP address range is a primary reason
> of entities having multiple address ranges. As IPv6 was
> developed a lot later than IPv4, it has not suffered from
> mergers so much yet.

No, it is not. Slow start and other RIR policies around scarcity and fairness of
distribution of the last crumbs are the primary contributor, with traffic 
a somewhat distant second. Mergers are actually somewhere around 10th on the 
list last
time I looked.


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