With OS10 you should be able to see it with:

system "sudo hshell -c 'show unit 0'"

i.e., from a S4128F-ON:
PLAT-SW-A-1# system "sudo hshell -c 'show unit 0'"

Unit 0 chip BCM56762_B0 (current)
driver BCM56560_B0 (apache)

(should be Trident 2+)


Il giorno mar 19 ott 2021 alle ore 15:13 Drew Weaver <drew.wea...@thenap.com>
ha scritto:

> Hello all,
> I’ve been googling around trying to figure out which Broadcom silicon is
> in the S4148-ON.
> I haven’t really been able to make much of a determination.
> Does anyone know which chipset this is? Trident 1? Trident 2? Trident 3?
> Thanks so much if anyone has already figured this out.
> -Drew

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