----- On Oct 7, 2021, at 9:03 PM, Masataka Ohta mo...@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp wrote:
Hi, > It means DNS management of facebook is poor. Whenever there is an aviation incident, the keyboard warriors at pprune.org are always the first to start speculating about root causes, and complain how the air crew made mistakes. They, the keyboard warriors, of course know how best to fly an aircraft with 20/20 hindsight from their armchairs. Why do I see so many posts that are basically throwing Facebook engineers under the bus? Let's for a moment contemplate about the sheer magnitude of their operation. With almost 3 billion users worldwide, can you imagine the amount of DNS queries they have to process? Their scale is unprecedented. Sure, it's ok to speculate about potential operational or design issues that may have been contributing factors to the outage. But throwing our colleagues in front of the lions like this is something I would not recommend. I'm sure they are aware of these posts, but are unable to reply due to the amount of NDAs signed. Thanks, Sabri