On Mon, 04 May 2009 21:29:29 CDT, Jack Bates said:
> Ricky Beam wrote:
> > If I'm allowed to subnet my single /64, then I'm still not using NAT.  
> > And as long as I don't go beyond /80, autoconfig can still work, at 
> > least on ethernet -- which is pretty much 99.999% of cases. (not that I 
> > advocate the use of autoconfig. *grin*)
> Sorry, Ricky. But that won't work. EUI-64 is required for autoconfig, 
> and it expands the 48 bits to 64 bits by inserting FFFF or FFFE 
> depending on if the original is a MAC-48 or EUI-48 identifier.

I think Ricky's point is that he could do autoconfig in a /80 as long as there
isn't the semi-gratuitous MAC-48->EUI-64 expansion.

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