On 9/7/21 17:25, Eric Kuhnke wrote:
The vast majority of LTE based last mile users in developing nation environments (where maybe less than 5% of people have residential wireline broadband to their residence) are already behind a cgnat.
Our mobile carriers in Africa, for example, will happily give the vendors 10's of millions of coin every year, to maintain CG-NAT. It's truly amazing, how much money they are swimming in. The bad news is that infrastructure is no longer a play, and by the time they realize this, they'll have wished they at least used that cash to buy their staff cookies.
In many places it's actually an anomaly and weird for a person to desire, or be able to afford, both a broadband internet connection at home with wired router/801.11 AP, and also the (per GB) data service for their cellphone. They choose to go with only the latter.
Well, in many cases, it comes down to what is available (even before it's affordable).
We all NEED phones, but we don't all NEED fibre at the house (I'm generalizing, but you know what I mean). The phone is probably the most basic requirement, and is what operators are most likely to accommodate for before they add wire for data.
So chances are folk have started off with a phone. If the fibre follows, is it affordable, to the point that it can co-exist (not replace) my phone?