On Aug 27, 2021, at 11:23 AM, John Curran 
<jcur...@arin.net<mailto:jcur...@arin.net>> wrote:

Excellent point.   I have taken the liberty of replying to Owen’s post here on 
nanog for clarity, but also suggest we continue this on arin-ppml so as to 
spare the NANOG community.

Thank you, John. I think NANOG has made its position clear on arguing 
individual legal disputes in its AUP:

3. Posts of a political, philosophical, or legal nature are prohibited.

15. The Mailing List is not an appropriate platform to resolve personal issues, 
engage in disputes, or file complaints

This already heated discussion squarely violates both of these rules. I concur 
that anyone who wants to continue the discussion can go to the arin-ppml.


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