On Thu, 12 Aug 2021, William Herrin wrote:

On Thu, Aug 12, 2021 at 9:41 AM Hank Nussbacher <h...@interall.co.il> wrote:
On 12/08/2021 17:59, William Herrin wrote:
If you prune the routes from the Routing Information Base instead, for
any widely accepted size (i.e. /24 or shorter netmask) you break the

How does this break the Internet?  I would think it would just result in
sub-optimal routing (provided there is a covering larger prefix) but
everything should continue to work.  Clue me in, please.

A originates to paid transit C
B originates also to paid transit C
C offers both routes to D. D discards from the RIB based
on same-next-hop
You peer with A and D. You receive only since A doesn't
originate and D has discarded it.
You send packets for to A (the shortest path for, stealing A's paid transit to C to get to B.
Unless A filters C-bound packets purportedly from B
doesn't currently transit for A so from B's perspective that's not an
allowed path. In which case, your path to is black holed.

D broke the Internet. If packets from you reach A at all, they do so
through an unpermitted path.

A originated the /16 and should be prepared to deal with all bits to IPs within it.

What's worse is when A originates/advertises the /16 to C. A also advertises the /24(s) only to other transits D, E, and F. C's peers that don't see the subnets send traffic to C that C then has to send out via transit to reach D, E, or F. I've been C :( We asked A to make it stop.

 Jon Lewis, MCP :)           |  I route
 StackPath, Sr. Neteng       |  therefore you are
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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