Since you mentioned AWS, have you tried AWS Global Accelerator? You get a pair 
of globally anycasted static IPs.

Another alternative is to request a contiguous IP range of EIPs (/28 or /24 
etc) that you can use for your EC2 instances or VPC resources.


> On 28 Jul 2021, at 09:19, Daniel Corbe <> wrote:
>> On Jul 27, 2021, at 17:20, Vimal <> wrote:
>> Hi all, great replies. :) Let me clarify my initial question, and then 
>> respond one by one:
>> My intention is to run a web-crawling service on a public cloud. This 
>> service is geographically distributed, and therefore will run in multiple 
>> regions around the world inside AWS... this means there will be multiple AWS 
>> VPCs, each with their own NAT gateway, and traffic destined to websites that 
>> we crawl will appear to come from this NAT gateway's IP address.
>> The reason I want a predictable IP is to communicate this IP to website 
>> owners so they can allow access from these IPs into their networks.  I chose 
>> IP as an example; it can also be a subnet, but what I don't want to provide 
>> is a list of 100 different IP addresses without any predictability.
>> I understand that this is not perfect, and would frankly not be my preferred 
>> approach to solve the problem.... but we've had requests of this nature from 
>> websites to create an allowlist of a limited number of predictable IPs so it 
>> doesn't trip their IDSs/other systems they might have... so we're trying to 
>> see how well it would work in practice.  For the moment, let's set aside the 
>> issue as to whether AWS will even let me advertise the same IP on all my VPC 
>> NAT gateways, and just look at whether it's technically feasible.  My gut 
>> feeling is that this wouldn't work well in practice, but I wanted to ask the 
>> experts here...
>> Also, pointers on what the best practices for solving this issue are most 
>> welcome, so I can reference those who ask for IP addresses to this 
>> discussion and follow recommendations here.
>> Onto the responses:
>> and
>>> Because there’s no good/reliable way to get the replies back to the correct 
>>> initiating host.
>>> When my clients make connections outbound to anycast addresses, the 
>>> destination is more-or-less stable, and the replies come back to the 
>>> client's unique IP, so anycast works in that direction.  The guarantees are 
>>> not present in the reverse direction.
>> Yes, this makes sense as the destination can be anywhere around the world, 
>> and that routing is asymmetric as others mentioned.  However, if the 
>> destination service is "close" (in the routing metric sense) to the 
>> initiating host, anycast return IP ought to work well, right?  I understand 
>> this is a very important caveat and impractical to implement correctly in 
>> the real world.
>>> We use our IGP (IS-IS) for our Anycast services. We find it to be very
>> basic, and as such, very predictable.
>> This is interesting... I wonder whether Anycast will still have some failure 
>> modes and break TCP connections if routing (configuration) were to change?  
>> I checked the PDF linked by Bill Woodcock... while the methodology is the 
>> same from 20y ago, would the data still be the same (order of magnitude)? :)
>> (p38)
>> "Limited operational data shows underlying instability to be on
>> the order of one flow per ten thousand per hour of duration."
>>> Unless you’re twisting knobs, egress traffic should already exit your 
>>> network at the closest possible egress point to its origin.  Is your 
>>> intention to carry the traffic for longer than that?
>> No, but I hope my intention is more clear in this email.  It's to have a 
>> predictable egress IP to simplify firewall rules.
>> thanks all!!
>> On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 12:25 PM Adam Thompson <> 
>> wrote:
>> Without any sarcasm: to make it harder to block.
>> If, say, Google, always crawled your site from (random made-up 
>> example) then you would see a not-insignificant number of hosts and networks 
>> null-routing that IP.  I have no idea why someone would do so, but I've seen 
>> it done many times.  Mostly by people who don't understand how un-special 
>> they are on the internet.  Also it would trigger IDS/IPS systems all over 
>> the place, having gobs and gobs of connections coming from a single IP.
>> That's setting aside the technical issues involved; routing is often 
>> asymmetric, i.e. the return packet takes a different path than the inbound 
>> packet.  So it would, as Owen implied, be nearly impossible to ensure the 
>> reply packets got back to the correct TCP stack.  As an example, I'm 
>> multi-homed and use path-prepending, so if a packet claiming to be from 
>> arrived on one of my commercial links, I would send the reply out 
>> the cheapest link, which in my case is a flat-rate R&E network (that has a 
>> path to Google), thus ensuring the reply does not get to the originating 
>> anycast node.
>> When my clients make connections outbound to anycast addresses, the 
>> destination is more-or-less stable, and the replies come back to the 
>> client's unique IP, so anycast works in that direction.  The guarantees are 
>> not present in the reverse direction.
>> The logical extremity of this is that it would be nearly impossible for two 
>> anycast addresses to establish a TCP connection to each other.  (In general. 
>>  There will be lots of local cases where it does happen to work, by 
>> coincidence.)
>> You'll find that even anycast nodes do not make connections outbound using 
>> their anycast address, pretty much for these reasons.
>> -Adam
>> Adam Thompson
>> Consultant, Infrastructure Services
>> <Outlook-1593169877.png>
>> 100 - 135 Innovation Drive
>> Winnipeg, MB, R3T 6A8
>> (204) 977-6824 or 1-800-430-6404 (MB only)
>> From: NANOG <> on behalf of 
>> Vimal <>
>> Sent: July 27, 2021 12:54
>> To: <>
>> Subject: Anycast but for egress
>> (Unsure if this is the right forum to ask this question, but here goes:)
>> From what I understand, IP Anycast can be used to steer traffic into a 
>> server that's close to the client.
>> I am curious if anyone here has/encountered a setup where they use anycast 
>> IP on their gateways... to have a predictable egress IP for their traffic, 
>> regardless of where they are located?
>> For example, a search engine crawler could in principle have the same IP 
>> advertised all over the world, but it looks like they don't...  I wonder why?
>> -- 
>> Vimal
>> -- 
>> Vimal
> If I were in your shoes, I’d pick a VPS provider that assigns external, 
> globally routable IPs to their customers.  Linode, Vultr, Digital Ocean, etc. 
> You may be able to do something on AWS with Elastic IPs but I don’t know 
> enough about Amazon’s infrastructure to give you a qualified answer.  

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