On 7/25/21 08:18, Saku Ytti wrote:


Not a critique against Akamai specifically, it applies just the same
to me. Everything seems so complex and fragile.

Very often the corrective and preventive actions appear to be
different versions and wordings of 'dont make mistakes', in this case:

- Reviewing and improving input safety checks for mapping components
- Validate and strengthen the safety checks for the configuration
deployment zoning process

It doesn't seem like a tenable solution, when the solution is 'do
better', since I'm sure whoever did those checks did their best in the
first place. So we must assume we have some fundamental limits what
'do better' can achieve, we have to assume we have similar level of
outage potential in all work we've produced and continue to produce
for which we exert very little control over.

I think the mean-time-to-repair actions described are more actionable
than the 'do better'.  However Akamai already solved this very fast
and may not be very reasonable to expect big improvements to a 1h
start of fault to solution for a big organisation with a complex

One thing that comes to mind is, what if Akamai assumes they cannot
reasonably make it fail less often and they can't fix it faster. Is
this particular product/solution such that the possibility of having
entirely independent A+B sides, for which clients fail over is not
available? If it was a DNS problem, it seems like it might have been
possible to have entirely failed A, and clients automatically
reverting to B, perhaps adding some latencies but also allowing the
system to automatically detect that A and B are performing at an
unacceptable delta.

Did some of their affected customers recover faster than Akamai due to
their own actions automated or manual?

Can we learn something from how the airline industry has incrementally improved safety through decades of incidents?

"Doing better" is the lowest hanging fruit any network operator can strive for. Unlike airlines, the Internet community - despite being built on standards - is quite diverse in how we choose to operate our own islands. So "doing better", while a universal goal, means different things to different operators. This is why we would likely see different RFO's and remedial recommendations from different operators for the "same kind of" outage.

In most cases, continuing to "do better" may be most appealing prospect because anything better than that will require significantly more funding, in an industry where most operators are generally threading the P&L needle.


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