At our helpdesk we hear customers hanging their wireless router off their NATed 
PPPoA DSL modem all the time, such that its double-NATed.  That things work as 
well as they do is a testament to the resiliency of IP (and applications and 
servers) in the face of NAT.


-----Original Message-----
From: Joel Jaeggli [] 
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 8:46 PM
To: Seth Mattinen
Subject: Re: Where to buy Internet IP addresses

Seth Mattinen wrote:

> I hear this a lot, but how many "linksys default channel 6" end users
> really have more than one subnet, or even know what a subnet is?

By definition, every single one of them that buys wireless router, then
buys another and hangs it off the first. That happens more often then
you would think.

> ~Seth

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