On 7/1/21 3:53 PM, Keith Medcalf wrote:
And this is why this problem will not be solved. The "open relay" is making money from processing
the calls, and the end carrier is making money for terminating them. Until fine(s) -- hopefully millions of
them, one for each improperly terminated call, together with jail time for the CEO of the company for
"conspiracy to commit fraud" -- and EACH of the fines is EQUAL OR GREATER than the total yearly
worldwide REVENUE of that end carrier, they will not have any impetus to "fix" the problem.
How about 47 CFR 64.1200(k)(4)?
(4) A provider may block voice calls or cease to accept traffic from an
originating or intermediate provider
without liability under the Communications Act or the Commission's rules
where the originating or intermediate provider
when notified by the Commission, fails to effectively mitigate illegal
traffic within 48 hours or fails to implement effective measures to
prevent new and renewing customers
from using its network to originate illegal calls. Prior to initiating
blocking, the provider shall provide the Commission with notice and a
brief summary of the basis for its determination that the originating or
intermediate provider
meets one or more of these two conditions for blocking.
ie: "You're not really a phone company anymore, says the rest of the PSTN"