Current gen Cisco ASA firewalls have logic so that if the connection from a private host originated from a privileged source port, the NAT translation to public IP also uses an unprivileged source port (not necessarily the same source port though).

I found out that this behavior can cause issues when you have devices on your network that implement older DNS libraries or configs using UDP 53 as a source and destination port for their DNS lookups. Occasionally the source port gets translated to one that ISC BIND servers have in a blocklist (chargen, echo, time, and a few others) and the query is ignored. As I recall, this behavior is hard coded so patching and recompiling BIND is required to work around it.

I forget what the older ASA behavior was. It may have been to leave the source port unchanged through the NAT process (I think this is what you mean by "not translated"). In that case the client doesn't implement source port randomization and the NAT doesn't "upgrade" the connection to a random source port so I don't really see it as an issue. Ideally the client would implement source port randomization itself so it would be using source ports within its ephemeral port range for outgoing connections.


On 6/4/2021 7:36 AM, Jean St-Laurent via NANOG wrote:
I believe all devices will translate a privileged ports, but it won't translate 
to the same number on the other side. It will translate to an unprivileged 
port. Is it what you meant or really there are some devices that will not 
translate at all a privileged port?

What are you trying to achieve?


-----Original Message-----
From: NANOG <> On Behalf Of Fernando 
Sent: June 4, 2021 3:00 AM
Subject: NAT devices not translating privileged ports


While discussing port randomization (in the context of
), it has been raised to us that some NAT devices do not translate the source port 
if the source port is a privileged port (<1024).

Any clues/examples of this type of NATs?


Fernando Gont
Director of Information Security
EdgeUno, Inc.
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