Hi, Javier!
MX series: Full-featured – sings, dances, walks the cat, etc. But painful 
racking (as you noted).  Very nice and comprehensive boxes otherwise.  
Interfaces are more expensive, but often modular and wider variety.
EX/QFX series: Nice switches, OK L3 routers.  Lots of limitations in MPLS and 
various other corner-case limitations.

My personal opinion:

  *   Skip the MX480 (and up), it’s just too expensive.  Consider an EX9200 
instead, which can do 90% of the same functions.  (If you can afford an MX480 
or MX960, by all means, get one!)
  *   MX240 is reasonable, but dated.  A pair of MX204s in HA would make more 
sense, to me.
  *   Skip the MX 2k/10k series – they don’t support SFP+ interfaces!  (“No 10G 
WDM for you!”)  Also no 1G, you need a separate step-down switch for that.  I 
don’t know what SP Juniper thinks they’re targeting with these.
  *   1U/2U EX/QFX are reasonable edge devices as long as you’ve verified they 
can do what you need.  Not core-router class IMHO.
  *   If you don’t already know that you want a PTX, then you don’t want a PTX. 
 The product is fine, but niche, and has the same interface limitations as 
  *   ACX: MEF-compliant mini-MX, basically.  Edge device only, pairs well with 
an MX480 (IIRC).  Top-end are exceptions: ACX5k/7k might work, depending on 
what you need it to do.  Not normally deployed as a core router.

My experience is that you never fill up an EX9208 or MX480 chassis, but the 
MX240 is too small.  YMMV.  MX480 line cards are stupid expensive compared to, 
well, everything else.

I’m probably out-of-date on some (or much) of my knowledge, let’s see what 
everyone else here has to say!


Adam Thompson
Consultant, Infrastructure Services
[[MERLIN LOGO]]<https://www.merlin.mb.ca/>
100 - 135 Innovation Drive
Winnipeg, MB, R3T 6A8
(204) 977-6824 or 1-800-430-6404 (MB only)

From: NANOG <nanog-bounces+athompson=merlin.mb...@nanog.org> On Behalf Of 
Javier Gutierrez Guerra
Sent: Friday, May 7, 2021 3:55 PM
To: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: Juniper hardware recommendation

Just out of curiosity, what would you recommend using for a core router/switch 
from Juniper?
Datasheets show them all as very nice and powerful devices (although they do 
use a lot of rack space and side to side airflow is painful) but I’m just 
wondering here what most people use and how good or bad of an experience you 
have with it 😊

Javier Gutierrez Guerra
Network Analyst
Westman Communications Group
Phone: 204-717-2827
Email: guer...@westmancom.com<mailto:guer...@westmancom.com>


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