On 4/19/21 15:33, Mel Beckman wrote:


Well, yes, not everyone can afford all technology options. That’s life. One has to wonder how someone who needs to protect online accounts cannot afford a $30 hardware token (which can be shared across several accounts). These low-income people are not the targets of identity thieves, spear fishers, or data ransomers. Unlike you, I AM arguing against something: SMS as a 2FA token. In this case I don’t think we have ignored low-income users, for the same reason that home alarm security aren't ignoring low-income users who can’t afford their products. It’s certainly no reason to hobble security for the rest of us.

Hmmh, I'm not quite sure that is accurate. Low-income folk will certainly have a mobile service, even though they might not have enough to buy a security alarm once the rent is paid.

Take finance, for example, in places like East Africa, they folk are lucky that they don't need a bank account to either put money away or transact for everyday needs. In other countries that don't have this (mobile money), low-income folk who earn a living will have a bank account, and even that one will come with some kind of online access.

The issue isn't so much the product. The issue is that mobile services are so basic and fundamental, everybody, regardless of their financial position, will have one. The stats say that as of 2020, of the number of users around the world using mobile phones, only 46% of them are "smart".


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