On 4/18/21 05:18, Mel Beckman wrote:
No, every SMS 2FA should be prohibited by regulatory certifications. The telcos had years to secure SMS. They did nothing. The plethora of well-secured commercial 2FA authentication tokens, many of them free, should be a mandatory replacement for 2FA in every security governance regime, such as PCI, financial account access, government web portals, etc.
While I agree that SMS is insecure at the moment, I think there still needs to be a mechanism that does not rely on the presence of an Internet connection. One may not be able to have access to the Internet for a number of reasons (traveling, coverage, outage, device, money, e.t.c.), and a fallback needs to be available to authenticate.
I know some companies have been pushing for voice authentication for their services through a phone call, in lieu of SMS or DTMF-based PIN's.
We need something that works at the lowest common denominator as well, because as available as the Internet is worldwide, it's not yet at a level that one would consider "basic access".