We already have a group on Facebook, and it has it's uses. Like sharing group pictures from events and other social-y stuff.
It's not so effective as a community forum in my opinion, although I am a member of many facebook groups who use it in exactly that way and the basic functionality is there, it just doesn't feel right (probably because the interface was not built from the ground up to be community-forum oriented). Additionally, I wouldn't feel good about such an important knowledge base being completely in the hands of a 3rd party. On Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 3:22 PM scott <sur...@mauigateway.com> wrote: > > On 3/22/2021 4:00 AM, Mike Hammett wrote: > > The migration happened just a month or two ago. Are we talking about the > same thing? > > TBH, most discussion in the WISP space has moved to Facebook. The busy > WISPA mailing lists used to get about 20k messages per year. When I last > checked, they were down to 5k or so and on a downward trend. Meanwhile, the > Facebook groups have exploded, both in members per group and the number of > groups. > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > > Please tell me you're not suggesting that to be able to participate in > NANOG a person must move to FB. I would get banned from NANOG for saying > what I think about that... > > > scott >