Checkout    Alterpoint Network Authority Inventory.

The Inventory tool is free asn was developed as the Ziptie opensource
project.  Inventory is the basis for how Alterpoint does the paid
offerings for configurtion audit and compliance and the higher level
analytics based on the configuration and inventory repository that NA
Inventory provides.

The Inventory component is free but be prepared for sticker shock for
the whole Alterpoint suite of tools.

There is also ManageEngine DeviceExpert (not free, but inexpensive) and
Solarwinds Orion NCM (fromerly Cirrus configuration management, also

Sam Crooks
GTS Network Architecture
701 Experian Pkwy
Allen, TX 75013

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Provo [] 
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 8:11 AM
Subject: Re: Config Backup / Inventory

On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 09:25:05AM +0100, Joshua Eyres wrote:
> I am looking for a bit of advice around configuration backup / 
> inventory. We currently have a large multi-vendor network which is 
> currently managed through two separate tools (rancid - 
> and ns4
> - Both tools do the job very 
> well, but management have asked that we look for commercial 
> alternatives that have a proper support organisation looking after

Since rtrmon waned and rancid waxed (97ish?), I've been a proponent and
seen no support issues.  Lots of commercial offerings (mostly vendor-
specific) have changed or were from companies which folded between then
and now.  A non-trivial track record speaks volumes.

> things about it. We are looking for a tool which is flexible that 
> allows configuration backup to textual form for easy restoration as 
> well as the ability to deploy scripted changes to the network quickly.

Sounds like rancid & par to me. :-)



             RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE

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