On 2/14/21 04:24, Mark Foster wrote:
So the business case will be the 'killer app' or perhaps 'killer service' that's IPv6-only and that'll provide a business reason. But chicken and egg.. who wants to run a service that's IPv6-only and miss out on such a big userbase?
Perhaps it's time that we made good friends with the folk accelerating pr0n, and did a deal with them where someone's fetish was only available over IPv6. Small enough that it does not bother their existing cash cow, but large enough that it starts to get some notice, where eyeballs can put pressure on their service providers to get them access.
I'm not kidding. Because sitting back and hoping "things just happen" is kind of like throwing a switch into a building and putting the words "IXP" outside, and hoping the right people will come knocking. We know IXP's are obvious, but a lot of their growth comes from their operators running around and actually getting patronage going.
IPv6 is obvious. But I think it requires a lot more non-technical agency to get it adopted.