Hi, Back in the day when I still lived there, Level 3 was also known to have fiber in the area. Depending on your needs, Equinix offers dark fiber between (some of) their locations, and Relined(.eu) has a nationwide fiber network.
You can also check out irc, irc.nlnog.net, #nlnog, or subscribe to the nlnog mailing list, [ http://mailman.nlnog.net/ | http://mailman.nlnog.net/ ] Thanks, Sabri ----- On Feb 4, 2021, at 5:04 PM, Rod Beck <rod.b...@unitedcablecompany.com> wrote: > Please contact offlist. > Looking for dark fiber in Amsterdam. Eurofiber has traditionally dominated > this > market. Who else competes in this market? > Roderick Beck VP of Business Development > United Cable Company > [ http://www.unitedcablecompany.com/ | www.unitedcablecompany.com ] > New York City & Budapest > rod.b...@unitedcablecompany.com > Budapest: 36-70-605-5144 > NJ: 908-452-8183