Plixer Replicator will do this via REST API is you are looking for a
commercial solution.
If you’re looking for a free solution, Samplicator will do this via config
Neither is a “collector” as neither stores the flows. They simply
forward/copy UDP streams based on a set policy. It sounds like this is what
you are after.

(Full disclosure I works for Plixer)

Mike Krygeris

On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 9:31 AM Drew Weaver <> wrote:

> Good morning everyone,
> I am looking for a Netflow collector that can forward flows based on src
> ip/src net dst ip/dst net to another collector in either real or near time.
> If it can be configured via an API that is even better than having to edit
> configuration files.
> If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it.
> Thanks,
> -Drew

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